Show HN: – Google photos to a website in 60 seconds gabigrin on November 28, 2024 at 05:02 Hacker News: Front Page

Hey HN!
My friend and I love taking pictures on our phones, and we were looking for a super simple way to share them with the world. Google Photos albums are nice, but the result isn’t slick enough and lacks customization options (embed, custom domain).

That’s why we built – a micro SaaS that allows anyone to create a slick, minimal gallery website from Google Photos. Galleries can be iframe-embedded for those looking for full customization.

One thing we haven’t solved yet – many Google Photos users (myself included) do not have images pre-organized in albums, so the fact that technically it takes 60 seconds to build a website doesn’t take into account that you have to spend time picking the right images.

Would love to some feedback/ideas from hobbyist photographers here!

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